Beth Kruger Beth Kruger

Developing a Self-Care Plan Over 40

Self Care seems to be the latest buzzword and almost everyone I know is talking about the importance of it. I bet you know a “Self-Care Crusader” or “Self Care Guru”. Your workplace or your social feed also might be littered with these phrases around self-care–it’s definitely a “thing” now.

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Food Beth Kruger Food Beth Kruger

5 Healthy Oils for Women over 40

Adopting a diet and lifestyle that reduces inflammation is key for supporting your health and hormones as your hormones dip lower during peri-menopause and menopause.

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Food Beth Kruger Food Beth Kruger

5 Better Sweeteners for Women over 40

Balanced sugar levels are the key to hormonal health, and sugar addictions, sugar cravings and high or low sugar levels can completely undermine any efforts that you make to balance your hormones.

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