3 Breathing Exercises to Reduce Stress

Let’s face it. Stress is a part of our everyday lives. Most of us are too busy running from one thing to the next to slow down, much less add in an hour or more of yoga, breathing, and meditation to get our zen on daily. 

Luckily, there are methods we can use to reduce stress and lower anxiety levels that are fast and simple. I have been using the following three exercises for over 20 years in my own daily life–as well as teaching them to my students. Am I stress free? Hell no. But I can recognize when I need to slow down, and take a deep breath–and that my dear, is half the battle. Read on for my favorite breathing practices to reduce stress and anxiety.

  1. Cleansing Breath: This is the simplest one to learn and to teach others. It is a long and deep inhale through the nose, and an equally long and slow exhale out of the mouth. I like to add an audible “sigh” to the exhale. It's a little louder, and yes, your loved ones will know you are “doing your breathing”, but hey–I almost want to say–that is the point, isnt it? Repeat this 10-20 cycles or more for maximal benefits. I also like to close the eyes for this technique.

  2. 4-4-6 Breath: This involves holding the breath. Slightly more complicated and not for those with high blood pressure or difficulty with holding the breath. Breathe in for a count of 4, hold the breath in for a count of 4, and then exhale for a count of 6. Repeat several times until you get the hang of it and then complete a cycle of 10-20+ full breaths using this technique. When you complete this, try sitting for a few moments to feel the effects of this breath practice. 

  3. Box Breath: I am often told by my students that this is the most complicated practice I teach to them. The box breath is actually a 4-4-4-4 breath. Four counts on the inhale, four counts to hold the breath in, four counts to exhale, and then four final counts to hold the breath out after the exhale. Then you repeat this over and over and over–10-20 times to be more accurate. Pause after this breath practice to feel the effects. 

So there you have it. These practices instantly change your energy, and you can feel the shifts in your mood, and your current anxiety levels right away. These techniques are used by my students and clients if they feel general anxiety, panic attacks setting in, a sense of overwhelm, or even insomnia or difficulty falling asleep. They are healthier and better for you than taking a pill or having a glass of wine. And they are a way to start to master your mind and your present moment awareness. 

Sign up here for my five day self-care reset where I share more techniques to reduce stress and anxiety all in about five minutes or less a day via email.  


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